문돌이 존버/프로그래밍 스터디
2021. 7. 18.
(leetcode 문제 풀이) Merge Two Sorted Lists
Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a sorted list. The list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists. Example 1: Input: l1 = [1,2,4], l2 = [1,3,4] Output: [1,1,2,3,4,4] Example 2: Input: l1 = [], l2 = [] Output: [] Example 3: Input: l1 = [], l2 = [0] Output: [0] Constraints: 1. The number of nodes in both lists is in the range [0, 50]. 2. -100 l1이 None이 되었거..